Not many people know that you can prevent and reverse diabetes type 2 with foods.
The cause of diabetes type 2 is insulin resistance of your body. Normally, your body absorbs the glucose (sugar) in your blood. This process is triggered by insulin. In the case of diabetes 2, you have a high blood sugar because the cells in your muscles, fat, and liver don’t respond well to insulin and can’t use glucose from your blood for energy.
If you have diabetes 2 and you go to the doctor, then you will get a prescription of insulin injections and medicines. Their treatment is to inject more insulin so that your cells are triggered more to absorb more glucose from your blood. The problem is that this is pure symptom treating and the more insulin you inject your body will become more insulin resistant. In the end, it will worsen your condition.
However, there are more ways to address diabetes 2. You can eat fewer carbohydrates because the carbohydrates will be converted to glucose. Eating less means lower blood sugar levels. This can also be seen as a symptom treating although, this has no negative side effects like medicine.
What is even better is to reduce your intake of saturated fat because saturated fat is one of the primary causes of the body’s insulin resistance. Dr. Michael Greger explains it in this video. This is also indicated by the American Diabetes Association in 2002: Dietary Fat and the Development of Type 2 Diabetes, which has concluded: “… an intervention strategy, including dietary counseling, is associated with up to a 50% reduction in the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. All of these trials used an intervention that focused in part on recommending a restriction in total fat and, in particular, saturated fat in the diet…”.
So, if you suffer from pre-diabetes or diabetes 2, don’t wait for a cure from the medical industry. First of all, it takes ages before they reach a consensus that something really works. Secondly, they are hunting a magic cure from the pharmaceutical industry that will treat your symptom and not the root cause. You will understand this if you read this article.
The cure is already among our midst! It is the food that you eat that causes your diabetes 2. You can get cured of diabetes 2 by changing the bad food that you eat to foods that are good for you. Then your body will cure you automatically due to its continuous regeneration process.
Luckily, we are not the only ones who are aware of this. In the US, the result of The Diabetes Prevention Program was stunning: “… These strategies proved to be very successful, as the lifestyle intervention resulted in a 58% reduction in the incidence rate of diabetes.”. On the webpage of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the US, you can read: “A CDC-recognized lifestyle change program is an evidence-based solution that can reduce a person’s risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 58% (71% in individuals aged 65 and older). CDC-recognized lifestyle change programs are a key component of the National DPP and have proven to be more effective than certain medications at preventing type 2 diabetes.”
DiRECT is the largest research study, to date, ever supported by the charity Diabetes UK was conducted in England with 298 participants. Their conclusion after two years is: “Type 2 diabetes is not necessarily a lifelong condition. It is reversible through weight loss. 36% are in remission at 24 months and 70% in those who have lost more than 15 kg.” You can find the presentation of the results here.
For the Dutch people, where Vegan Bamboo Bar resides, we have the initiatives of Of the 2000 participants, they have reverse diabetes of 92% of the participants within 12 months. 30% do not need medicine anymore. Their program is about food, exercise, sleep, and relaxation.
In the program above, you don’t see a 100% reversal. That is because not all participants are motivated to follow the instructions. If you are committed, we can tell you will get cured 100%. Let us explain this. People who get diabetes 2 are not born with it. You get this at an old age. Why? Almost all the cells in your body renewed themselves between 1 day and 15 years. The building material for your body is the food you take. If you take bad food you get a rickety and a weak body. If you take good food, you get a robust and healthy body. Eating bad food means an accumulation of contaminations that expresses itself in diabetes 2. You typically don’t get this at a young age, unless you are obese. This is another sign that is caused by your food. Replace the bad food with good food and your body will heal itself due to this regeneration process.
We want to stress that what we claim is not based on opinion but that doctors with knowledge about nutrition are already aware of it. This is why the doctors at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention create infographics like the one below. They don’t dare to mention that your diabetes 2 can be reversed with foods due to the power of the pharmaceutical industry. But, we know you can reverse it. With this knowledge, even CDC is powerless in changing the prescription of medicines by the medical industry to prescription of diet change. You don’t have the time until the medical industry changes. You have to do it yourself now.
In the end, you are in control.